Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The History of my Garden

Right now there are two things going on in BLOM. My event for Earth Day or should I say Earth Week and my start to organic gardening. I will speak of the Earth Day event later and commence with my narrative on gardening ( a bit of Sherlock Holmes literature right there). Both this event and this garden were inspired by a book called Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollen. My whole class read it (the junior edition of course) and boy did it make me open my eyes to what I'm eating. I mean I haven't become vegetarian and I might have the occasional fast food or restaurant(though I haven't had McDonald's or Wendy's for a couple of months) but I have become very aware of what I eat. A few things that have happened since reading the book: 1. I remember a 1 hour drive for an away game with my squash team where I spent quite a lot of the trip there talking about the amount of corn in everything. Believe me if you read the Omnivore's Dilemma you'll know what I'm talking about. There is corn in everything from food (almost all processed food has either corn or soybean in it)to explosives and plastic. It's quite scary how much corn there is and how it can affect us. Maybe when I don't have a lot to blog about I'll do a whole post on corn. 2. I used to have whole lunch talks about food with my lunch group. You guys who were there can attest to that. We'd sometimes sit there and read the labels of food to see if we could find corn. I know that sounds weird but we were interested. 3. My mom has been asking me is this sustainable or industrial? and I'll answer. We already eat a lot of of organic food though that's not completely environmentally friendly (during Earth Week I'll talk about that). Though not over zealously I have been searching for some local food stands in my area. 4. Finally my Earth Week and my garden. In the last part of Omnivore's Dilemma (the book is broken into the four food chains: Industrial, Organic, Local Sustainable, and Hunting Gathering method)Michael Pollan talks about hunting, gathering, and growing. This growing part really appealed to me because I have always wanted a garden (you'll hear about my family's failed attempt at gardening). That started my garden idea and just like the plant, the seed in my head grew into an action. I've got to go to bed now, and I have a lot to catch you up on. The BLOMer signing out.(I've always wanted to say that).


  1. The beans we planted are growing tall

  2. BLOMer do u know how long it takes bean plants to get their beans

    1. Yes I just found out on a website. Beans take 12-14 weeks between planting and harvesting.

    2. I have started a garden at my home it has been pretty good so far lately there has not been very much rain so about a 5th of my crop has died but it looks like I will have a decent turn out

    3. Well on Sunday the 22nd of April through Thursday April 26th there is supposed to be a lot of rain up to 3 inches!

  3. we need to recruit more people for this blog
